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Procure with confidence, VeriTrust backs you up

We transformed the tender system, providing greater security, transparency and confidence in the contracting process.

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Facilitates the search and promotion of opportunities, ensuring a transparent and competitive environment for all parties.

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Proposal privacy

During the bidding phase, only one hash is sent with the bid. Then there is a reveal phase where the hash is compared with the real information, and it is verified that it is the correct information.

Reveal on Blockchain

Through blockchain technology the reveal is made public, transparent and immutable.


In cases of disputes or claims. We integrate Kleros, where experts make impartial decisions.

We adapt to your organization!

We offer custom app services for companies, NGOs, governmental entities or an individual. Our protocol is fully open source.

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Key Benefits

Increased Security and Transparency

Proposal Privacy

Verifiability and Auditability

Efficiency and Cost Savings

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